
Danish History General N - Z

Page history last edited by Cherine Munkholt 6 years, 11 months ago

General/Miscellaneous (includes items that cover more than one period):  N - Z



Newcomb, Robert M. (1975) Episodes or Continuity? Culture change on the landscape of Northeastern Jutland, Denmark (Århus:)



Nielsen, H. & K. Nielsen (2001) Neighbouring Nobel: The History of Thirteen Danish Nobel Prizes (Aarhus: Aarhus Univeristy Press)



Nielsen, Niels Kayser (2005) Body,Sport and Society in Norden. Essays in Cultural History (Aarhus: Aarhus Univeristy Press) 180 pages




Oakley, Stewart P. (1972) A Short History of Denmark (New York: Praeger Pubishers)




Østergaard, Uffe (1992) "Peasants and Danes - National Identity and Political Culture in Denmark" Comparative Studies in Society and History Vol. 34, No.1, pp. 3-27. Reprinted in:


Østergaard, Uffe (1996) "Peasants and Danes: The Danish National Identity and Political Culture in: G. Eley & R.G. Suny (eds) Becoming National. A Reader (New York: Oxford University Press) pp. 179-222


Østergaard, Uffe (2000) "Danish National Identity: Between Multinational heritage and Small State Nationalism" in: H. Branner & M. Kelstrup (eds) Denmark's Policy Towards Europe after 1945 : History, Theory and Options  pp. 140-184 (Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark)


Østergaard, Uffe (2002) "The State of Denmark - Territory and Nation" Comparare. European History Review 2, (Paris)


Østergaard, Uffe (2004) "The Danish Path to Modernity" Thesis Eleven 77, (May) pp. 25-43


Østergaard, Uffe (2005) "College for the Instruction of Asian and Other Youth in Eastern Literature and European Science in Serampore" in: George Oommen & Hans Raun Iversen (eds) It began in Copenhagen. Junctions in 300 years of Indian-Danish Relations in Christian Mission (Delhi: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge) pp. 204-220


Østergaard, Uffe (2006) "Denmark: A Big Small State - The Peasant Roots of Danish Modernity" in: John L. Campbell, John A. Hall & Ove K. Pedersen (eds) National Identity and the Varieties of Capitalism. The Danish Experience  (Montreal: McGil-Queen's Univeristy Press) pp. 51-98


Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian (2008) "Scandinavia", in H. A. Lloyd, G. Burgess,and S. Hodson (eds), European political thought 1450-1700: Religion, law and philosophy  (New Haven and London: Yale University Press) pp. 300-331




Perbellini, G. (1999) "The Military Defence at Waterways" Europa Nostra Bulletin 51 160 pages



Petersen, Klaus &  J. H. Petersen  (forthcoming) "Shake, rattle and roll! From charity to social rights in the Danish welfare state 1890-1933" in: Steven King & John Stewart (eds) Welfare Peripheries ( Peter Lang ) ca. 35 pp.)



 Petersen, Klaus & Niels Finn Christiansen (2001) “The Dynamics of Social Solidarity. The Danish Welfare State 1900-2000” Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 177-196.



Petersen, Klaus & Niels Finn Christiansen (2001) "The Nordic Welfare States 1900-2000" Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 26, No. 3,



Petersen, Klaus  (2006) "Constructing Nordic Welfare? Nordic Social Political Cooperation 1919-1955" in: Niels Finn Christiansen, Nils Edling, Per Haave & Klaus Petersen (eds) The Nordic Welfare State. A historical Re-appraisal. (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press)


Petersen, Klaus &  Klas Åmark (2006)" Old Age and Supplementary Pensions in the Nordic Countries, 1880 – 2000" in: Niels Finn Christiansen, Nils Edling, Per Haave & Klaus Petersen (eds) The Nordic Welfare State. A historical Re-appraisal. (Copenhagen:Museum Tusculanum Press)


Poulsen, B. "Kingdoms of the Periphery of Europe: the Case of Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavia." in: Richard J. Bonney (ed.) Economic Systems and State Finance (Oxford), pp.101-122


Poulsen, B. (2001) "Middlemen of the regions: Danish peasant shipping from the Middle Ages to c. 1650" in: F.E. Eliasen, J. Mikkelsen & B. Poulsen (eds) Regional Integration in Early Modern Scandinavia (Odense: Odense Universitets Forlag) pp. 56-79.


Poulsen, B. (2004) "Trade and consumption among late medieval and early modern Danish peasants." The Scandinavian Economic History Review Vol. 52:1, pp. 52-68.



Ræder Knudsen, Lise and S. Rosenvinge Lundbye (2017) "Performance of Danish low-energy museum storage buildings", in J. Bridgland (ed.), ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017. Paris: International Council of Museums


Rasmussen, Jens R. (1994) "Patriotic Perceptions: Denmark and Sweden, 1450-1850 in:  Claus Bjørn, Alexander Grant,&  Keith J. Stringer (eds) Nations, Nationalism and Patriotism in the European Past pp. 161-176.  (Copenhagen: Academic Press)


Rheinheimer, Martin (1995) "The Belief in Werewolves and the Extermination of Real Wolves in Schleswig-Holstein" Scandinavian Journal of History 20 pp. 281-294. - Also as: Man & Nature. Working Paper 65 (Oden­se 1995), 26 pp


Ringgaard, Maj (2008) "Cut, Stitch and Fabrics: Female Dress in the Past 200 Years" in Margarita Gleba, Cherine Munkholt and Marie-Louise Bech Nosch (eds), Dressing the Past (Oxford: Oxbow), pp. 134-157




Saxo Grammaticus (----/1979) History of the Danes (Vols. 1-2). Translated by Peter Fisher, Edited by Hilda Ellis Davidson. (Haverhill: St Edmundsbury Press)



Saxo Grammaticus (----/1905) The Nine Books of the Danish History (Vols. 1-2). Translated by Oliver Elton (London: Norroena Society)


Schwartz Lausten, Martin (2002) A Church History of Denmark Transl. Frederick H. Cuyer (Aldershot: Ashgate)



Seidelin Jacobsen, Helge (1993) An Outline History of Denmark (Copenhagen: Høst)



Salmon, Patrick (1997) Scandinavia and the Great Powers 1890-1940 (Cambridge)



Sevaldsen, Jørgen et al. (eds.) (2003) Britain and Denmark: Political, Economic and Cultural Relations in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press)


Smekalova, T.N. & O. Voss (2007) "Magnetic Surveys of the Archaeological Sites of the Viking and Medieval Ages in Denmark" in: M. Andersen, H Horsnæs, J. Moesgaard (eds.) Magister Monetae: Studies in Honour of Jørgen Steen Jensen (Copenhagen: National Museum)  pp. 255-274



Söderqvist, Thomas (2002) "The life and work of Niels Kaj Jerne as a source of ethical reflection" Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, vol.55: 539-545. http://www.museion.ku.dk/ommuseion/medarbejdere/soderqvist/publikationer%20mv.aspx


Sound Toll Registers online:  http://www.soundtoll.nl/index.php/en/



Söderqvist, Thomas (2003) Science as Autobiography: The Troubled Life of Niels Jerne ( New Haven: Yale University Press) 385 pp



Thaler, Peter (2007) “A Tale of Three Communities” Scandinavian Journal of History (June), Vol. 32 Issue 2, pp.141-166



Thomas, A.H. (2009) Historical Dictionary of Denmark. 2nd ed. (Lanham, Md: Scarecrow) 519 pages



Vellev, Jens (2007/8?) "Bishop Coins from Viborg" in: M. Andersen, H. Horsnæs, J. Moesgaard (eds.) Magister Monetae: Studies in Honour of Jørgen Steen Jensen (Copenhagen: National Museum) pp.187-192 




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