
5 Denmark during the World Wars

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World Wars:



Abrahamsen, Samuel (1972) "The Rescue of Denmark's Jews. The American-Scandinavian Review Vol. 60 pp. 157-164. Also published in Leo Goldberger (ed.)(1987) The Rescue of the Danish Jews (New York & London) pp. 3-11


Adler, H.G. (1955) "Danish Jewry under German Occupation" Wiener Library Bulletin  Vol. 9 No. 1-2 pp. 12 & 16


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Bak, Sofie Lene (2010) "Between tradition and new departure - the dilemmas of collaboration in Denmark" in R. Stauber (ed.), Collaboration with the Nazis : Public Discourse after the Holocaust (Routledge) pp. 110-124


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